Entité de rattachement


isabelle.kruta [at] sorbonne-universite.fr
01 44 27 50 46
01 44 27 38 31
Adresse(s) personnalisée(s)

Sorbonne Université - Tour 46-56 (5e étage)
4 place Jussieu
75005 Paris

Responsabilités dans l'unité

Membre du conseil d’unité


  • Jattiot Romain, Coquel-Poussy Nathalie, Kruta Isabelle, Rouget Isabelle, Rowe Alison J & Moreau Jean-David, février 2024The first gladius-bearing coleoid cephalopods from the lower Toarcian “Schistes Cartons” Formation of the Causses Basin (southeastern France). PeerJ vol. 12, , e16894 Publisher: PeerJ
  • Klug Christian, Hoffmann René, Tischlinger Helmut, Fuchs Dirk, Pohle Alexander, Rowe Alison, Rouget Isabelle & Kruta Isabelle, septembre 2023‘Arm brains’ (axial nerves) of Jurassic coleoids and the evolution of coleoid neuroanatomy. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology vol. 142, n° 1, p. 22 Publisher: Springer
  • Rowe Alison, Kruta Isabelle, Villier Loïc & Rouget Isabelle, juin 2023A new vampyromorph species from the Middle Jurassic La Voulte-sur-Rhône Lagerstätte. Papers in Palaeontology , , e1511 Publisher: Wiley
  • Jattiot Romain, Lehmann Jens, Kruta Isabelle & Rouget Isabelle, 2023Mature modifications and sexual dimorphism in Turrilitidae (heteromorph ammonites): contribution of remarkable Mariella bergeri specimens (upper Albian, southeastern France). Cretaceous Research vol. 151, , p. 105651 Publisher: Elsevier
  • Rowe Alison, Kruta Isabelle, Landman Neil H, Villier Loïc, Fernandez Vincent & Rouget Isabelle, juin 2022Exceptional soft-tissue preservation of Jurassic Vampyronassa rhodanica provides new insights on the evolution and palaeoecology of vampyroteuthids. Scientific Reports , , Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
  • Roscian Marjorie, Herrel Anthony, Zaharias Paul, Cornette Raphaël, Fernandez Vincent, Kruta Isabelle, Cherel Yves & Rouget Isabelle, 2022Every hooked beak is maintained by a prey: ecological signal in cephalopod beak shape. Functional Ecology vol. 36, , p. 2015-2028 Publisher: Wiley
  • Roscian Marjorie, Kruta Isabelle, Mapes RH., Herrel Anthony & Rouget Isabelle, août 2021Étude Morphométrique 3D d’un Des plus Vieux Becs Fossiles de Coléoïdés (Carbonifère Inférieur, Oklohoma). , ,
  • Smith C. P A, Landman N. H, Bardin J. & Kruta I., juin 2021New Evidence from Exceptionally “Well-Preserved” Specimens Sheds Light on the Structure of the Ammonite Brachial Crown. vol. 11, n° 1, dir. {Nature Publishing Group}
  • Hoffmann René, Slattery Joshua S, Kruta Isabelle, Linzmeier Benjamin J, Lemanis Robert E, Mironenko Aleksandr, Goolaerts Stijn, De Baets Kenneth, Peterman David J & Klug Christian, 2021Recent Advances in Heteromorph Ammonoid Palaeobiology. , , dir. {Wiley}
  • Kruta Isabelle, Bardin Jérémie, Smith Christopher P A, Tafforeau Paul & Landman Neil H, mars 2020Enigmatic Hook-like Structures in Cretaceous Ammonites (Scaphitidae). Palaeontology vol. 63, n° 2, dir. {Wiley} p. 301-312
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