Entité de rattachement
Thème interdisciplinaire de recherche
Macroévolution, datation de l’arbre du vivant, microanatomie osseuse, stégocéphales du Paléozoïque
Habilité(e) à diriger des recherches


Réseaux sociaux
michel.laurin [at] mnhn.fr
01 40 79 34 68
01 40 79 37 39
Adresse(s) personnalisée(s)

MNHN - Bâtiment de géologie
43 rue Buffon
75005 Paris

Responsabilités dans l'unité

Responsabilités hors unité

Rédacteur en Chef des Comptes Rendus Palevol (Publications scientifiques du Muséum)

Secrétaire de l’International Society for Phylogenetic Nomenclature




Je m’intéresse à l’évolution des stégocéphales du Paléozoïque, depuis l’apparition des doigts et jusqu’à l’origine de grands clades comme les lissamphibiens, tortues, diapsides et thérapsides. Je développe également des méthodes analytiques (profils de compacité osseuse, calibration temporelle d’arbres, etc.) qui me permettent parfois d’aborder des thèmes plus divers.

I am a vertebrate paleontologist interested in the origin and phylogeny of tetrapods, in comparative biology and paleobiology, and in phylogenetic nomenclature. I have worked on the anatomy and relationships of Paleozoic tetrapods and their close relatives, but I have also studied the origin of some extant groups, such as lissamphibians, turtles, lepidosaurs, archosaurs and mammals.

Present and Past Positions

  • 1998-: CNRS Scientist in the UMR 7207, CNRS/MNHN/UPMC (Centre de Recherches sur la Paléobiodiversité et les Paléoenvironnements, CR2P, 2009-), formerly in the UMR 7179, CNRS/MNNH/UPMC (Mécanismes adaptatifs: des organismes aux communautés, 1998-2008).
  • 1997-1998: Research Associate in the Museum of Natural History (Humboldt University, Berlin).
  • 1996-1997: Maître de Conférences Associé at the Université de Paris 7.
  • 1994-1996: Research Associate in the Museum of Paleontology (UC Berkeley).


As an undergraduate student, I was fortunate to earn three NSERC Summer Undergraduate Research Awards that enabled me to work in vertebrate paleontology laboratories. These summer terms were my first experience of hands-on Vertebrate Paleontology, and I spent one summer with Robert R. Reisz at the University of Toronto, where I gained some useful skills (such as specimen preparation and illustration) from Miss Diane Scott. The two summers that I spent with Robert L. Carroll at the Redpath Museum at McGill allowed me to get an early start at publishing scientific papers.

I completed my B.Sc. In Biological Sciences at the Université de Montréal, where I took every course I could on comparative anatomy and principles of systematics. I also took Robert Carroll’s excellent courses in Functional Anatomy of Vertebrates and Vertebrate Paleontology at McGill as a visiting student.

I received my Ph.D. and my M.Sc. in the Department of Zoology at the University of Toronto. My doctoral thesis was entitled « The osteology of seymouriamorphs and its implications for the origin of amniotes », and my Master’s thesis was entitled « The osteology and relationships of Haptodus garnettensis and the origin of therapsids ». Both theses were written under the supervision of Dr. Robert R. Reisz, whose enthusiasm and interest in the anatomy and phylogeny of Paleozoic tetrapods inspired my work.

My latest diploma is the Habilitation which I obtained from U. Paris 7 in 2003, and which is required in France to supervise doctoral students.

Work experience

I did a postdoc at UC Berkeley in Kevin Padian’s lab (1994-1996), a teaching postdoc in Université Paris 7 (1996-1997), and in the Natural History Museum of Berlin (Humboldt University; 1997-1998), in Hans-Peter Schultze’s lab. Since October 1998, I have been working as a research scientist for the CNRS in Paris. I was tenured in April 2000. In Paris, I started working on comparative bone microstructure and paleohistology, phylogenetic nomenclature and comparative evolutionary biology, in the same team as Vivian de Buffrénil, Jacques Castanet, Jorge Cubo, Armand de Ricqlès, François Meunier, and Louise Zylbergerg, among others. In January 2009, I moved to Philippe Janvier’s paleontology research group in the Muséum. My current research topics include the conquest of land by vertebrates, the evolution of body size, and the origin of lissamphibians.

My hobbies include reading about history and French literature, traveling and visiting museums.

For a much more compact overview, check out the biographical Wikipedia page.

Professional experience

Professional memberships

Academic Awards

  • CNRS allowance for scientific excellence, 2010-2013.
  • Ramsay Wright Award, 1993-1994.
  • Concours préuniversitaire de physique (second in the Province of Québec), 1984-1985.
  • Concours préuniversitaire de physique (first of my college), 1983-1984.
  • Concours de Mathématiques Euclide (first of my high school), 1982-1983.

Academic experience

  • Consultant for STACEP (statistical consulting).
  • Leader of the research group on phylogeny and chronology, UMR 7207 (2010-).
  • Leader of the research team « Squelette des vertébrés », 2007-2008.
  • CNRS Scientist, UMR 7179, Paris, 1998- (tenured in 2000).
  • Research Associate, Museum of Natural History, Humboldt University, Berlin, 1997-1998.
  • Associate Professor, Université Paris 7, Paris, 1996-1997.
  • Research Associate, Museum of Paleontology, UC Berkeley, 1994-1996.


I used to review 12 to 15 papers/year, from 2002 to 2007, but as I was invited to join several editorial boards in 2007 and 2008, that number rose sharply. Since 2008, I have performed about 35 official reviews per year. In late 2008, I was the most often used referee on the Journal of Evolutionary Biology editorial board.

Chief Editor

Comptes Rendus Palevol (IF = 1.0), 2010-

Associate Editor

Specialty « Evolutionary and Population Genetics » of Frontiers in Genetics (new, open access journal), 2011-

Editorial board member

Grants obtained

  • INSU (CNRS), INTERRVIE program, as partner of J. Aleon (2011)
  • CNRN/CONICET grant for a Franco-Argentinian research project (2009-2010)
  • Doctoral grant from the French Ministry of Research for my student A. Canoville, (2007-2010)
  • European Union Systhesis grant, 3rd call (2005-2006)
  • European Union Systhesis grant, 2nd call (2004-2005)

Scholarships obtained

  • Alexander von Humboldt Fellowhship, 1997-1998
  • NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1994-1996
  • Ramsay Wright Award, 1993-1994
  • University of Toronto Open Fellowship, 1992-1994
  • Fondation Desjardins Scholarship, 1993-1994
  • FCAR Doctoral Scholarship, 1990-1993
  • NSERC Doctoral Postgraduate Scholarship, 1990-1993
  • NSERC Master’s Postgraduate Scholarship, 1988-1990
  • NSERC Undergraduate Summer Research Award, 1986-1988


  • FCAR: Fonds Canadiens pour l’Aide à la Recherche
  • NSERC: National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada



  • 227 printed publications:
  • 162 in peer-reviewed journals.
  • 27 in peer-reviewed book chapters.
  • 4 in book chapters without peer review.
  • 9 conference symposia chapters.
  • 22 popular papers.
  • 2 translated books.
  • 1 book.
  • 1 edited book.
  • 3 edited special issue of a journal
  • A total of 2760 published pages (abstracts and preprints excluded).
  • 9 refereed publications on the Internet.
  • 108 non-refereed publications on the Internet.
  • 1 CD-ROM publication.
  • 7 computer programs and scripts
  • 89 summaries of talks in scientific meetings.
  • A total of 404 publications of various kinds.

Citations (as of February 20, 2020): 6198, with a h-index of 43, according to my Google Scholar profile.

Research articles in refereed journals

(warning: the detailed lists below are not up-to-date; see my Google Scholar page for an up-to-date record)

Listed in chronological order (available from the author upon request; see also the Academia.edu web site)



  • DEWAELE, L., LAMBERT, O., LAURIN, M., DE KOCK, T., LOUWYE, S., and DE BUFFRÉNIL, V. 2018. Generalized osteosclerotic condition in the skeleton of Nanophoca vitulinoides, a dwarf seal from the Miocene of Belgium. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 1-27. (Early view)
  • NUÑEZ DEMARCO, P., MENEGHEL, M., LAURIN, M., and PIÑEIRO, G. 2018. Was Mesosaurus a fully aquatic reptile? Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6 (109). Links
  • RINEAU, V., ZAREGÛETA I BAGILS, R., and LAURIN, M. 2018. Impact of errors on cladistic inference: simulation-based comparison between parsimony and three-taxon analysis. Contributions to Zoology 87 (1): 25-40. Links
  • MEUNIER, F. J., OTERO, O., and LAURIN, M. 2018 A histological study of the marginal teeth in the Devonian actinopterygian †Cheirolepis canadensis (Whiteaves) with an eco-morphological perspective. Cybium 42 (1): 67-74.
  • LAURIN, M. and PIÑEIRO, G. 2017. A Reassessment of the Taxonomic Position of Mesosaurs, and a Surprising Phylogeny of Early Amniotes. Frontiers in Paleontology. 5(88): 1–13. Links
  • TISSIER, J., RAGE, J.-C., and LAURIN, M. 2017. Exceptional soft tissues preservation in a mummified frog-eating eocene salamander. PeerJ 5 e3861. Links
  • CANOVILLE, A., LAURIN, M., and DE BUFFRÉNIL, V. 2018. Quantitative data on bone vascular supply in lissamphibians: comparative and phylogenetic aspects. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 182 (1): 107—128. Links
  • DIDIER, G., FAU, M., and LAURIN, M. 2017. Likelihood of tree topologies with fossils and diversification rate estimation. Systematic Biology 66: 964–987. Links
  • SMITH, H. F., PARKER, W., KOTZÉ, S. H., and LAURIN, M. 2017. Morphological evolution of the mammalian cecum and cecal appendix. Comptes Rendus Palevol. 16 (1): 39–57. Links
  • HERREL, A., MOUREAUX, C., LAURIN, M., DAGHFOUS, G., CRANDELL, K., TOLLEY, K. A., MEASEY, G. J., VANHOOYDONCK, B., and BOISTEL, R. 2016. Frog origins: Inferences based on ancestral reconstructions of locomotor performance and anatomy. Fossil Imprint 72 (1–2): 108–116. 
  • BUFFRÉNIL, V. D., CLARAC, F., CANOVILLE, A., and LAURIN, M. 2016. Comparative data on the differentiation and growth of bone ornamentation in gnathostomes (Chordata: Vertebrata). Journal of Morphology  277 (5): 634–670. Links
  • WERNEBURG, I., LAURIN, M., KOYABU, D., and SÁNCHEZVILLAGRA, M. R. 2016. Evolution of organogenesis and the origin of altriciality in mammals. Evolution & Development 18 (4): 229-244. Links
  • CANOVILLE, A., BUFFRÉNIL, V. D., and LAURIN, M. 2016. Microanatomical diversity of amniote ribs: an exploratory quantitative study. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 118 (4): 706–733. Links
  • ASCARRUNZ, E., RAGE, J.-C., LEGRENEUR, P., and LAURIN, M. 2016. Triadobatrachus massinoti, the earliest known lissamphibian (Vertebrata: Tetrapoda) re-examined by µCT-Scan, and the evolution of trunk length in batrachians. Contributions to Zoology. 85 (2): 201–234. Links
  • VILLAMIL, J. N., DEMARCO, P. N., MENEGHEL, M., BLANCO, R. E., JONES, W., RINDERKNECHT, A., LAURIN, M., and PIÑEIRO, G. 2016. Optimal swimming speed estimates in the Early Permian mesosaurid Mesosaurus tenuidens (Gervais 1867) from Uruguay. Historical Biology. 28 (7) : 963–971. Links
  • BOKMA, F., GODINOT, M., MARIDET, O., LADEVÈZE, S., COSTEUR, L. C., SOLÉ, F. A., GHEERBRANT, E., PEIGNÉ, S. P., JACQUES, F., and LAURIN, M. 2016. Testing for Depéret’s Rule (body size increase) in Mammals using Combined Extinct and Extant Data. Systematic Biology. 65 (1): 98–108. Links
  • ORGAN, C., STRUBLE, M., CANOVILLE, A., BUFFRÉNIL, V. D., and LAURIN, M. 2016. Macroevolution of Genome Size in Sarcopterygians During the Water-Land Transition. Comptes rendus Palevol. 15 (1–2): 67–75. Links
  • ZYLBERBERG, L., MEUNIER, F. J., and LAURIN, M. 2016. A microanatomical and histological study of the postcranial dermal skeleton of the Devonian actinopterygian †Cheirolepis canadensis (Whiteaves). Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 61 (2): 363–376. Links
  • TISSIER, J., RAGE, J.-C., BOISTEL, R., FERNANDEZ, V., POLLET, N., GARCIA, G., and LAURIN, M. 2016. Synchrotron analysis of a ‘mummified’ salamander (Vertebrata: Caudata) from the Eocene of Quercy, France. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 177 (1): 147–164. Links
  • MESLIN, C., LAURIN, M., CALLEBAUT, I., DRUART, X., and MONGET, P. 2015. Evolution of species-specific major seminal fluid proteins in mammals by gene death and positive selection. Contributions to Zoology. 84 (3): 217–235. Links
  • RINEAU, V., GRAND, A., ZARAGÜETA, R., and LAURIN, M. 2015. Experimental systematics: sensitivity of cladistic methods to polarization and character ordering schemes. Contributions to Zoology 84 (2): 129-148. Links
  • LAURIN, M., CANOVILLE, A., STRUBLE, M., ORGAN, C., and BUFFRÉNIL, V. D. 2016. Early genome size increase in urodeles. C. R. Palevol 15 (1–2): 77–85. Links
  • LAURIN, M. and BUFFRÉNIL, V. D. (Early View). Microstructural features of the femur in early ophiacodonts: a reappraisal of ancestral habitat use and lifestyle of amniotes. Comptes Rendus Palevol 15 (1–2): 115–127. Links
  • BUFFRÉNIL, V. D., CLARAC, F., FAU, M., MARTIN, S., MARTIN, B., PELLÉ, E., and LAURIN, M. 2015. Differentiation and growth of boen ornamentation in vertebrates: a comparative histological study among the Crocodylomorpha. Journal of Morphology. 276: 425–445. Links
  • BUFFRÉNIL, V. D., CANOVILLE, A., EVANS, S. E., and LAURIN, M. 2015. Histological study of karaurids, the oldest known (stem) urodeles. Historical Biology. 27 (1): 109-114. Links
  • Laurin, M. 2014. Assessment of modularity in the urodele skull: an exploratory analysis using ossification sequence data. Journal of Experimental Zoology  Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution. 8: 567-585. Links
  • AMSON, E., DE MUIZON, C., LAURIN, M., ARGOT, C., and DE BUFFRÉNIL, V. 2014. Gradual adaptation of bone structure to aquatic lifestyle in extinct sloths from Peru. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B. 281: 1-6. A Hindi translation has been made available by How to become a Technician Team. English links
  • LALOY, F., RAGE, J.-C., EVANS, S. E., BOISTEL, R., LENOIR, N., and LAURIN, M. 2013. A re-interpretation of the Eocene anuran Thaumastosaurus based on microCT examination of a ‘mummified’ specimen. PLoS ONE 8 (9, e74874): 1–11. (Also see story here.) Links
  • GRAND, A., CORVEZ, A., DUQUE VELEZ, L. M., and LAURIN, M. 2013. Phylogenetic inference using discrete characters: performance of ordered and unordered parsimony and of three-item statements. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 110 (4): 914–930. Links
  • LEGRENEUR, P., BELS, V., MONTEIL, K., and LAURIN, M. 2013. Movement in a gravitational field: The question of limb interarticular coordination in terrestrial vertebrates. European Physical Journal E. 36 (5, 49): 1–9. Links
  • MARJANOVIĆ, D. and LAURIN, M. 2014. An updated palaeontological timetree of lissamphibians, with comments on the anatomy of Jurassic crown-group salamanders (Urodela). Historical Biology, 26 (4): 535–550. Links
  • QUÉMENEUR, S., BUFFRÉNIL, V. DE, and LAURIN, M. 2013. Microanatomy of the amniote femur and inference of lifestyle in limbed vertebrates. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 109 (3): 644-655. Links
  • SMITH, H. F., PARKER, W. H., KOTZE, S. H., and LAURIN, M. 2013. Multiple independent appearances of the cecal appendix in mammalian evolution and an investigation of related ecological and anatomical factors. Comptes rendus Palevol. 12 (6): 339–354. Links
  • DUMONT, M., LAURIN, M., JACQUES, F., PELLÉ, E., DABIN, W., and BUFFRÉNIL, V. DE 2013. Inner architecture of vertebral centra in terrestrial and aquatic mammals: a two-dimensional comparative study. Journal of Morphology, 274: 570-584.
  • MARJANOVIC, D. and LAURIN, M. 2013. The origin(s) of extant amphibians: a review with emphasis on the “lepospondyl hypothesis”. Geodiversitas 35 (1): 207–272. Links
  • STERLI, J., POL, D., and LAURIN, M. 2013. Incorporating phylogenetic uncertainty on phylogeny-based paleontological dating and the timing of turtle diversification. Cladistics, 29 (3): 233-246.
  • MESLIN, C., MUGNIER, S., CALLEBAUT, I., LAURIN, M., PASCAL, G., POUPON, A., GOUDET, G., and MONGET, P. 2012. Evolution of genes involved in gamete interaction: evidence for positive selection, duplications and losses in vertebrates. PLoS ONE, 7 (9: e44548): 1–8. Links
  • PIÑEIRO, G., FERIGOLO, J., MENEGHEL, M., and LAURIN, M. 2012 . The oldest known amniotic embryos suggest viviparity in mesosaurs. Historical Biology 24 (6): 620–630.
  • LEGENDRE, L., LE ROY, N., MARTINEZ-MAZA, C., MONTES, L., LAURIN, M., and CUBO, J., 2013. Phylogenetic signal in bone histology of amniotes revisited. Zoologica Scripta, 42 (1): 44–53.
  • RIVERO-GUERRA, A. O. and LAURIN, M. 2012. Phylogenetic analysis of the Santolina rosmarinifolia aggregate (Asteraceae: Anthemideae: Santolininae) based on morphological characteristics. Nordic Journal of Botany 30 (5) : 533-545.
  • DIDIER, G., ROYER-CARENZI, M., and LAURIN, M. 2012. The reconstructed evolutionary process with the fossil record. Journal of Theoretical Biology 315 : 26-37.
  • PIÑEIRO, G., RAMOS, A., GOSO, C., SCARABINO, F., and LAURIN, M. 2012. Unusual environmental conditions preserve a Permian mesosaur-bearing Konservat-Lagerstätte from Uruguay. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 57 (2): 299–318. Links
  • PIÑEIRO, G., FERIGOLO, J., RAMOS, A., and LAURIN, M. 2012c. Cranial morphology of the Early Permian mesosaurid Mesosaurus tenuidens and the evolution of the lower temporal fenestration reassessed. Comptes rendus Palevol 11 (5): 379-391.
  • LAURIN, M., GUSSEKLOO, S. W. S., MARJANOVIC, D., and CUBO, J. 2012. Testing gradual and speciational models of evolution in extant taxa: the example of ratites. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25 (2): 293–303.
  • LEGRENEUR, P., LAURIN, M., and BELS, V. 2012. Prey-predator interactions paradigm: a new tool for artificial intelligence. Adaptive Behaviour 20 (1): 3–9.
  • LEGRENEUR, P., LAURIN, M., MONTEIL, K. M., AND BELS, V. 2012. Convergent exaptation of leap up for escape in distantly related arboreal amniotes. Adaptive Behaviour 20 (1): 67–77.
  • MEUNIER, F. J. and LAURIN, M. 2012. A microanatomical and histological study of the fin long bones of the Devonian sarcopterygian Eusthenopteron foordi.Acta Zoologica 93 (1): 88–97.
  • LAURIN, M. and GERMAIN, D. 2011. Developmental characters in phylogenetic inference and their absolute timing information. Systematic Biology 60 (5): 630—344.
  • LAURIN, M., CANOVILLE, A., and GERMAIN, D. 2011. Bone microanatomy and lifestyle: a descriptive approach. Comptes rendus Palevol 10 (5–6): 381–402.
  • ZYLBERBERG, L. and LAURIN, M. 2011. Analysis of fossil bone organic matrix by transmission electron microscopy. Comptes rendus Palevol 10 (5–6): 357–366.
  • AMSON, E., and LAURIN, M. 2011. On the affinities of Tetraceratops insignis, an Early Permian synapsid. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 56 (2): 301–312. Links
  • LAURIN, M., EVERETT, M.L., PARKER, W., 2011. The cecal appendix: one more immune component with a function disturbed by post-industrial culture. Anatomical Record, 294 (4): 567–579.
  • ORGAN, C. L., CANOVILLE, A., REISZ, R. R., and LAURIN, M. 2011. Paleogenomic data suggest mammal-like genome size in the ancestral amniote and derived large genome size in amphibians. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24: 372–380.
  • LAURIN M. 2010. Assessment of the relative merits of a few methods to detect evolutionary trends. Systematic Biology 59 (6): 689–704.
  • LAURIN, M. 2010. The subjective nature of Linnaean categories and its impact in evolutionary biology and biodiversity studies. Contributions to Zoology 79 (4): 131–146. Links
  • REISZ, R., LAURIN, M., and MARJANOVIC D. 2010. Apsisaurus witteri from the Lower Permian of Texas: yet another small varanopid synapsid, not a diapsid. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 30 (5): 1628–1631.
  • ZYLBERBERG, L., MEUNIER, F. J., and LAURIN, M. 2010. A microanatomical and histological study of the postcranial dermal skeleton in the Devonian sarcopterygian Eusthenopteron foordiActa Palaeontologica Polonica 55 (3): 459–470. Links
  • CANOVILLE, A. and LAURIN, M. 2010. Evolution of humeral microanatomy and lifestyle in amniotes, and some comments on paleobiological inferences. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 100 (2): 384–406.
  • MARZKE, M. W., POUYDEBAT, E., LAURIN, M., GORCE, P., and BELS, V. 2009. A clarification of Pouydebat et al., 2008, Evolution of grasping among anthropoids. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22 (11): 2554–2557.
  • MARJANOVIC, D. and LAURIN, M. 2009. The origin(s) of modern amphibians: a commentary. Evolutionary Biology 36 (3): 336–338.
  • LAURIN, M., CANOVILLE, A., and QUILHAC, A. 2009. Use of paleontological and molecular data in supertrees for comparative studies: the example of lissamphibian femoral microanatomy. Journal of Anatomy 215 (2): 110–123.
  • CANOVILLE, A. and LAURIN, M. 2009. Microanatomical diversity of the humerus and lifestyle in lissamphibians. Acta Zoologica 90 (2): 110–122.
  • GERMAIN, D. and LAURIN, M. 2009. Evolution of ossification sequences in salamanders and urodele origins assessed through event-pairing and new methods. Evolution & Development 11 (2): 170–190.
  • MARJANOVIC, D. and LAURIN, M. 2008b. A reevaluation of the evidence supporting an unorthodox hypothesis on the origin of extant amphibians. Contributions to Zoology 77 (3): 149–199. Links
  • POUYDEBAT, E., LAURIN, M. GORCE, P., and BELS, V. Evolution of grasping among anthropoids. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21 (6): 1723–1743.
  • MARJANOVIC, D. and LAURIN, M. 2008a. Assessing confidence intervals for stratigraphic ranges of higher taxa: the case of Lissamphibia. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 53 (3): 413–432. Links
  • KRILOFF, A., GERMAIN, D., CANOVILLE, A. VINCENT, P., SACHE, M., and LAURIN, M. 2008. Evolution of bone micranatomy of the tetrapod tibia and its use in paleobiological inference. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21 (3): 807-826.
  • LAURIN, M. 2008. The splendid isolation of biological nomenclature. Zoologica Scripta 35 (2) : 223–233.
  • PENET, L., LAURIN, M., GOUYON, P. H., and NADOT, S. 2007. Constraints and selection: insights from microsporogenesis in Asparagales. Evolution & Development 9 (5): 460-471
  • MARJANOVIC, D. and LAURIN, M. 2007. Fossils, molecules, divergence times, and the origin of lissamphibians. Systematic Biology 56 (3): 369-388.
  • LAURIN, M., MEUNIER, F. J., GERMAIN, D., and LEMOINE, M. 2007.  A microanatomical and histological study of the paired fin skeleton of the Devonian sarcopterygian Eusthenopteron foordi.  Journal of Paleontology 81 (1): 143-153.
  • WARD, P., LABANDEIRA, C., LAURIN, M., and BERNER, R. 2006. Romer’s Gap: A low oxygen interval constraining the timing of the earliest phases of arthropod and vertebrate terrestrialization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103 (45): 16818-16822.
  • LAURIN, M. 2006. Scanty evidence and changing opinions about evolving appendages. Zoologica Scripta 35 (6): 667-668.
  • LAURIN, M. and SOLER-GIJON, R. 2006. The oldest known stegocephalian (Sarcopterygii: Temnospondyli) from spain. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology26 (2): 284-299.
  • LAURIN, M., GERMAIN, D., STEYER, J.-S., and GIRONDOT, M. 2006.  Microanatomical data and the conquest of land by vertebrates.  Comptes Rendus Palevol 5 (3-4): 603-618.
  • LAURIN, M., DE QUEIROZ, K., and CANTINO, P. D. 2006.  Sense and stability of taxon names.  Zoologica Scripta 35 (1): 113-114.
  • LAURIN, M., de QUEIROZ, K., CANTINO, P. D., CELLINESE, N., and OLMSTEAD, R. 2005. The PhyloCode, types, ranks, and monophyly: a response to Pickett. Cladistics 21 (6): 605-607.
  • LAURIN, M. 2005.  Embryo retention, character optimization, and the origin of the extra-embryonic membranes of the amniotic egg.  Journal of Natural History39 (34): 3151-3161.
  • CUBO, J., PONTON, F., LAURIN, M., DE MARGERIE, E., and CASTANET, J. 2005. Phylogenetic signal in bone microstructure of sauropsids. Systematic Biology 54 (4): 562-574.
  • GERMAIN, D. and LAURIN, M. 2005.  Microanatomy of the radius and lifestyle in amniotes (Vertebrata, Tetrapoda).  Zoologica Scripta 34 (4): 335-350.
  • LAURIN, M., GIRONDOT, M., and LOTH, M.-M. 2004. The evolution of long bone microanatomy and lifestyle in lissamphibians. Paleobiology 30 (4): 589-613.
  • LAURIN, M.  2004. The Evolution of Body Size, Cope’s Rule and the Origin of Amniotes.  Systematic Biology 53 (4): 594-622.
  • REISZ, R. R. and LAURIN, M.  2004.  A reevaluation of the enigmatic Permian synapsid Watongia and of its stratigraphic significance.  Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 41(4): 377-386.
  • VALLIN, G. and LAURIN, M.  2004.  Cranial morphology and affinities of Microbrachis, and a reappraisal of the phylogeny and lifestyle of the first amphibians.  Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 24 (1): 56-72.
  • STEYER, J.-S., LAURIN, M., CASTANET, J., and RICQLES, A. de.  2004. First histological and skeletochronological data on temnospondyl growth; palaeoecological and palaeoclimatological implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 206: 193-201.
  • LAURIN, M. and ANDERSON, J.  2004.  Meaning of the name Tetrapoda in the scientific literature : an exchange.  Systematic Biology 53 (1): 68-80.
  • GIRONDOT, M. and LAURIN, M.  2003. Bone profiler: a tool to quantify, model and statistically compare bone section compactness profiles. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 23 (2): 458-461.
  • REISZ, R. R. and LAURIN, M. 2002. The reptile Macroleter, the first vertebrate evidence for correlation of Upper Permian continental strata of North America and Russia. Reply. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 114 (9): 1176-1177.
  • LAURIN, M. 2002. Tetrapod phylogeny, amphibian origins, and the definition of the name Tetrapoda. Systematic Biology 51 (2): 364-369.
  • DELGADO, S., CASANE, D., BONNAUD, L., LAURIN, M., SIRE, J.-Y., and GIRONDOT, M. 2001. Molecular evidence for precambrian origin of amelogenin, the major protein of vertebrate enamel. Molecular Biology and Evolution 18 (12): 2146-2153.
  • KHEMIRI, S., MEUNIER, F. J., LAURIN, M., and ZYLBERBERG, L.. 2001. Morphology and structure of the scales in the Gadiformes (Actinopterygii: Teleostei: Paracantopterygii) and a comparison to the elasmoid scales of other Teleostei. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 42: 345-362.
  • REISZ, R. R. and LAURIN, M. 2001. The reptile Macroleter, the first vertebrate evidence for correlation of Upper Permian continental strata of North America and Russia. Geological Society of America Bulletin 113 (9): 1229-1233.
  • LAURIN, M. and SOLER-GIJON, R. 2001. The oldest stegocephalian from the Iberian Peninsula: evidence that temnospondyls were euryhaline. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences de Paris, Sciences de la vie/Life sciences324: 495-501.
  • OTTO, M. and LAURIN, M. 2001. Microanatomy of the dermal skeleton of Balticaspis latvica (Osteostraci, Middle Devonian). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 21 (1): 186-189.
  • OTTO, M. and LAURIN, M. 2001. Taxonomic note on osteostracan tesserae from the Baltic Middle Devonian. Neues Jahrbuch fr Geologie und PalSontologie. Monatsshefte2001 (3): 142-144.
  • LAURIN, M. 2000. Travaux récents sur l’évolution et la paléoécologie des stégocéphales. Bulletin de la Société Herpétologique de France 96 (4): 25-37.
  • LAURIN, M., GIRONDOT, M., and RICQLÈS, A. de 2000b. Reply from M. Laurin, M. Girondot and A. de Ricqlès. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 15 (8): 328.
  • LAURIN, M, REISZ, R. R., and GIRONDOT, M. 2000. Caecilian viviparity and amniote origins: a reply to Wilkinson and Nussbaum. Journal of Natural History34 (2): 311-315.
  • LAURIN, M., GIRONDOT, M., and RICQLÈS, A. de 2000a. Early tetrapod evolution, Trends in Ecology and Evolution 15 (3): 118-123.
  • LAURIN, M. and REISZ, R. R. 1999. A new study of Solenodonsaurus janenschi,and a reconsideration of amniote origins and stegocephalian evolution. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 36 (8): 1239-1255.
  • LAURIN, M. and GIRONDOT, M. 1999. Embryo retention in sarcopterygians, and the origin of the extra-embryonic membranes of the amniotic egg. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie, Paris, 13e Série 20 (3): 99-104.
  • OTTO, M. and LAURIN, M. 1999. Osteostracan tesserae from the Baltic Middle Devonian: morphology and microanatomy. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte 1999 (8): 464-476.
  • LAURIN, M. 1998d. New data on the cranial anatomy of Lycaenops (Synapsida, Gorgonopsidae), and reflections on the possible presence of streptostyly in gorgonopsians. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 18 (4): 765-776.
  • LAURIN, M., 1998c. A reevaluation of the origin of pentadactyly. Evolution. 52 (5): 1476-1482.
  • LAURIN, M., 1998b. The importance of global parsimony and historical bias in understanding tetrapod evolution. Part II–vertebral centrum, costal ventilation, and paedomorphosis. Annales de Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie, 13ème Série. 19 (2): 99-114.
  • LAURIN, M., 1998a. The importance of global parsimony and historical bias in understanding tetrapod evolution. Part I–systematics, middle ear evolution, and jaw suspension. Annales de Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie, 13ème Série, 19 (1): 1-42.
  • GIRONDOT, M., S. DELGADO, and M. LAURIN. 1998. Evolutionary Analysis of « Hagfish Amelogenin ». The Anatomical Record 252 (4): 608-611.
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. A redescription of the cranial anatomy of Seymouria baylorensis, the best known seymouriamorph (Vertebrata: Seymouriamorpha). PaleoBios, 17 (1): 1-16.
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. A reevaluation of Ariekanerpeton, a Lower Permian seymouriamorph (Tetrapoda: Seymouriamorpha) from Tadzhikistan. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology,16 (4): 653-665.
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. A reappraisal of Utegenia, a Permo-Carboniferous seymouriamorph (Tetrapoda: Batrachosauria) from Kazakhstan. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 16 (3): 374-383.
  • LAURIN, M. and REISZ, R. R., 1996. The osteology and relationships of Tetraceratops insignis, the oldest known therapsid. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 16 (1): 95-102.
  • LAURIN, M., 1995. Comparative cranial anatomy of Seymouria sanjuanensisPaleoBios, 16 (4): 1-8.(Tetrapoda: Batrachosauria) from the Lower Permian of Utah and New Mexico.
  • LAURIN, M. and REISZ, R. R., 1995. A reevaluation of early amniote phylogeny. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 113 (2): 165-223.
  • LAURIN, M., 1994. A reevaluation of Cutleria wilmarthi, a Lower Permian synapsid from Colorado. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 14 (1): 134-138.
  • LAURIN, M., 1993. The osteology and relationships of Haptodus garnettensis, a Pennsylvanian synapsid from Kansas. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 13 (2): 200- 229.
  • LAURIN, M. and REISZ, R. R., 1992. A reassessment of the Pennsylvanian tetrapod Romeriscus. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 12 (4): 524-527.
  • LAURIN, M., 1991. The osteology of a Lower Permian eosuchian from Texas and a review of diapsid phylogeny. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 101 (1): 59- 95.
  • REISZ, R. R. and LAURIN, M., 1991. Owenetta and the origin of turtles. Nature, 349: 324-326.
  • GODFREY, S. J., HOLMES, R. B., and LAURIN, M., 1991. Articulated remains of a Pennsylvanian embolomere (Amphibia: Anthracosauria) from Joggins, Nova Scotia, Canada. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 11 (2): 213-219.
  • LAURIN, M. and REISZ, R. R., 1990. Tetraceratops is the oldest known therapsid. Nature, 345 (6272): 249-250.
  • LAURIN, M. and REISZ, R. R., 1989. Taxonomic position and phylogenetic relationships of Colobomycter pholeter, a small reptile from the Lower Permian of Oklahoma. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 26: 544-550.

Review papers

(available from the author upon request)

  • LAURIN, M. 2012. Recent progress in paleontological methods for dating the Tree of Life. Frontiers in Genetics 3 (130): 1-16. Links


(available from the author upon request)

  • LAURIN, M. and SUES, H.-D. 2013. Robert R. Reisz - Renaissance paleontologist. Comptes rendus Palevol. 12 (7–8): 393–404. Links
  • LAURIN, M. 2011a. A preliminary biography of Armand de Ricqlès (1938–), the great synthesizer of bone histology. Comptes rendus Palevol 10 (5–6): 293–301.
  • LAURIN, M. 2011b. A preliminary list of publications by A. de Ricqlès. Comptes rendus Palevol 10 (5–6): 311–321.

Meeting reports in refereed journals

(available from the author upon request)

  • LAURIN, M. 2013. Systematics beyond phylogenetics/La systématique au-delà de la phylogénétique. Comptes rendus Palevol. 12 (6): 327–331. Links
  • CUBO, J. AND LAURIN, M. 2011. Perspectives on vertebrate evolution: topics and problems. Comptes rendus Palevol 10 (5–6): 285–292.
  • LAURIN, M. and BRYANT, H. N. 2009. Third Meeting of the International Society for Phylogenetic Nomenclature: a Report. Zoologica Scripta 38 (3): 333–337.
  • LAURIN, M. and CANTINO, P. D. 2007. Second meeting of the International Society for Phylogenetic Nomenclature: a report. Zoologica Scripta 36 (1): 109-117.
  • LAURIN, M. and CANTINO, P. D. 2004. First international phylogenetic nomenclature meeting: a report. Zoologica Scripta 33 (5): 475-479.


(available from the author upon request)

  • LAURIN, M. 2015. Stratigraphic range, identification of fragmentary fossils, and the Permo/Triassic crisis/Étendue stratigraphique, identification de fossiles fragmentaires, et crise Permo/Triassique. Comptes rendus Palevol 14 (5): 343–345. Links
  • LAURIN, M., SUES, H.-D., MODESTO, S. P., and EVANS, D. C. 2013. A tribute to Robert R. Reisz/Un hommage à Robert R. Reisz. Comptes rendus Palevol. 12 (7–8): 389–392. Links
  • LAURIN, M. 2012b. Nouveaux comités et une nouvelle politique éditoriale pour Palevol. Comptes rendus Palevol 11 (1):1–4. (Text in French and English, as for all editorials in that journal.)

Book reviews in refereed journals

(available from the author upon request)

  • LAURIN, M. in press. Revue critique d’Aux origins de la Vie: une nouvelle histoire de l’évolution, A.E. Albani, R. Macchiarelli, A. Meunier. Dunod, Paris (2016). 221 pp., 22,00€. Comptes rendus Palevol.
  • LAURIN, M. 2015. Revue critique de “Carnet de curiosités d’un géologue et autres brèves de laboratoire” par Patrick De Wever, 354 pages, 26.00€, Ellipses, 2013/Review of “Carnet de curiosités d’un géologue et autres brèves de laboratoire” by Patrick De Wever, 354 pages, 26.00€, Ellipses, 2013. Comptes rendus Palevol. 14 (3): 245–249. Links
  • LAURIN, M. 2015. Revue critique de “Carnet de curiosités d’un géologue” par Patrick De Wever, 359 pages, 23.40€, Ellipses, 2012/Review of “Carnet de curiosités d’un géologue” by Patrick De Wever, 359 pages, 23.40€, Ellipses, 2012. Comptes Rendus Palevol. 14(2): 163–166. Links
  • Laurin, M. 2014. Temps de la Terre, temps de l’Homme”. P. De Wever, Albin Michel, Paris (2012). 213 pages, 20€, / Review of “Temps de la Terre, temps de l’Homme” by Patrick De Wever, 213 pages, 20€. Comptes rendus Palevol 13 (4) : 343–347. Links
  • LAURIN, M. 2013. Earth before the dinosaurs, by Jean-Sébastien Steyer, translated by Alain Bénéteau, illustrated by Chris Spence, foreword by Carl Zimmer, 2012. University of Indiana Press, Bloomington. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 33 (2): 493–494. Links
  • LAURIN, M. 2010. Review of CARROLL, R. L. 2010. The Rise of Amphibians. Herpetological Review 41(1) : 119–123. Links
  • LAURIN, M. 2007. Review of HALL, B. K. (ed.) 2007. Fins into Limbs: Evolution, Development and Transformation, 433 pages. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Copeia 2007 (4): 1050–1061. Links

Chapters in refereed edited books

(available from the author upon request)

  • Laurin, M. and Reisz, R. R. in press. Amniota.  In Cantino, P. D., de Queiroz, K., and Gauthier, J. A. (ed), Phylonyms: A Companion to the PhyloCode.  University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
  • Laurin, M., Arntzen, J. W., Báez, A. M., Bauer, A. M., Damiani, R., Evans, S. E., Kupfer, A., Larson, A., Marjanović, D., Müller, H., Olsson, L., Rage, J.-C. & Walsh, D. in press. Amphibia.  In Cantino, P. D., de Queiroz, K., and Gauthier, J. A. (ed), Phylonyms: A Companion to the PhyloCode.  University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
  • Laurin, M. and Smithson, T. R. in press. Anthracosauria.  In Cantino, P. D., de Queiroz, K., and Gauthier, J. A. (ed), Phylonyms: A Companion to the PhyloCode.  University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
  • Laurin, M. in press. Labyrinthodontia.  In Cantino, P. D., de Queiroz, K., and Gauthier, J. A. (ed), Phylonyms: A Companion to the PhyloCode.  University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
  • Laurin, M., Arntzen, J. W., Báez, A. M., Bauer, A. M., Damiani, R., Evans, S. E., Kupfer, A., Larson, A., Marjanović, D., Müller, H., Olsson, L., Rage, J.-C. & Walsh, D. in press. Lissamphibia.  In Cantino, P. D., de Queiroz, K., and Gauthier, J. A. (ed), Phylonyms: A Companion to the PhyloCode.  University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
  • Laurin, M. and Reisz, R. R. in press. Reptilia.  In Cantino, P. D., de Queiroz, K., and Gauthier, J. A. (ed), Phylonyms: A Companion to the PhyloCode.  University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
  • Laurin, M. and Klembara, J. in press. Seymouriamorpha. In Cantino, P. D., de Queiroz, K., and Gauthier, J. A. (ed), Phylonyms: A Companion to the PhyloCode.  University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
  • Laurin, M. in press. Stegocephali.  In Cantino, P. D., de Queiroz, K., and Gauthier, J. A. (ed), Phylonyms: A Companion to the PhyloCode.  University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
  • LAURIN, M. and REISZ, R. R. in press. Synapsida.  Pp. in Cantino, P. D., de Queiroz, K., and Gauthier, J. A. (ed), Phylonyms: A Companion to the PhyloCode.  University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
  • Laurin, M. in press. Tetrapoda.  In Cantino, P. D., de Queiroz, K., and Gauthier, J. A. (ed), Phylonyms: A Companion to the PhyloCode.  University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
  • LAURIN, M. 2011. Limb origin and development. Pp. 75–89 in Bels, V. and Renous, S. (ed), Vertebrates reach the land. Mémoires du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (Paris), Vol. 201.
  • LAURIN, M. 2011. Paleontological evidence. Pp. 33–73 in Bels, V. and Renous, S. (ed), Vertebrates reach the land. Mémoires du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (Paris), Vol. 201.
  • BELS, V., CASINOS, A., DAVENPORT, J., GASC, J.-P., JAMON, M., LAURIN, M., and RENOUS, S. 2011. How vertebrates moved onto land: Extended abstract.  Pp. 13–16 in Bels, V., Casinos, A., Davenport, J., Gasc, J.-P., Jamon, M., Laurin, M., and Renous, S. (ed), How vertebrates moved onto land.  Mémoires du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (Paris), Vol. 201.
  • RENOUS, S., CASINOS, A., DAVENPORT, J., GASC, J.-P., JAMON, M., LAURIN, M., and BELS, V. 2011. How vertebrates moved onto land: Conclusions and perspectives.  Pp. 187–195 in Bels, V., Casinos, A., Davenport, J., Gasc, J.-P., Jamon, M., Laurin, M., and Renous, S. (ed), How vertebrates moved onto land.  MMémoires du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (Paris), Vol. 201.
  • LAURIN, M. and REISZ, R. R., 1997. A new perspective on tetrapod phylogeny. Pp. 9-59 in Sumida, S. and Martin, K. (eds), Amniotes Origins: Completing the Transition to Land. Academic Press, London.

Chapters in edited books

(available from the author upon request)

  • LAURIN, M. 2012a. L’augmentation de la taille et de la complexité du cerveau chez les ancêtres des mammifères.  Pp. 31–32 in Gauthier, Y., Falque, J. C., Gachelin, G., Greco, D., Jourdan, C., and Quinsat, G. (ed), La science au présent.  Encyclopaedia Universalis, Paris.
  • LAURIN, M. 2000a. Seymouriamorphs. Pp. 1064-1080 in Heatwole, H. and Carroll, R. L. (eds), Amphibian Biology. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton. Links

Conference proceedings

(available from the author upon request)

  • Laurin, M., 2014b. Recent Progress in Assessing Palaeobiodiversity and Its Evolution, in: Rocha, R., Pais J., Kullberg J.C., Finney S. (Eds.), Strati 2013. Springer Geology, Lisbon, pp. 367–370.
  • Laurin, M. 2013. Phylogeny and palaeobiodiversity. Proceedings of the Strati 2013 meeting, Lisbon, July 3-6, 2013. Ciências de Terra 18: 53-56.
  • LAURIN, M. 2011. Use of paleontological and phylogenetic data in comparative and paleobiological analyses: a few recent developments.  Pp. 121–138 in Pontarotti, P. (ed), Evolutionary Biology – Concepts, Biodiversity, Macroevolution and Genome Evolution.  Springer, Berlin. Links
  • LAURIN, M. and SOLER-GIJON, R. 2010. Osmotic tolerance and habitat of early stegocephalians: indirect evidence from parsimony, taphonomy, paleobiogeography, physiology and morphology. In Vecoli, M. and Clément, G. (ed), The Terrestrialization Process: Modelling Complex Interactions at the Biosphere-Geosphere Interface.  The Geological Society of London, London. 339: 151–179.
  • Laurin M. 2010. Structure, fonction et évolution de l’oreille moyenne des vertébrés actuels et éteints: interprétations paléobiologiques et phylogénétiques.  In: J. Gayon, A. de Ricqlès, and M. Mossio (ed.) Les fonctions: Des organismes aux artefacts: 189–208.  Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
  • LAURIN, M. 2009 La nomenclature biologique aujourd’hui: que reste-t-il de Linné ?  Pp. 1–16 in Roche, C. (ed.), TOTh 2009, Annecy, France, Institut Porphyre. links
  • LAURIN, M. 2008. Le PhyloCode.  Pp. 411–420 in Prat, D., Roguenant, A., and Raynal-Roques, A. (eds), Peut-on classer le vivant? Linné et la systématique aujourd’hui.  Belin, Paris. Links
  • LAURIN, M. 2005. The advantages of Phylogenetic nomenclature over Linnean nomenclature.  Pp.  67-97 in Minelli, A., Ortalli, G. and Sanga, G. (eds), I nomi degli animali  (Animal Names), Instituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Venice, Italy.
  • RICQLÈS, A. de and LAURIN, M. 1999. The origin of tetrapods. Pp. 23-33 in Miaud, C. and Guyétan, R. (eds), Current Studies in Herpetology. Société Herpétologique de France, Le Bourget du Lac, France.

Book translations

  • LAURIN, M. 2010. How Vertebrates Left the Water. Translated by LAURIN, M. University of California Press, Berkeley, xi + 199 pp. Available commercially
  • SCHMITZ, H., UDDENBERG, N., and ÖSTENSSON, P. 2007. Linné – le rêve de l’ordre dans la nature.  Translated by LAURIN, M. Belin, Paris, 255 pp. Available commercially



Edited books

  • Bels V., A. Casinos, J. Davenport, J.-P. Gasc, M. Jamon, M. Laurin, & S. Renous. ed. 2011. How vertebrates moved onto land. Mémoires du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (Paris), Vol. 201, 200 pp.

Edited special issues of journals



  • Laurin, M., Sues, H.-D., Modesto, S. P., and Evans, D. C. 2013. A tribute to Robert R. Reisz. Comptes Rendus Palevol 12 (7–8), 389–542.
  • Laurin, M., 2013. Systematics beyond phylogenetics. Comptes Rendus Palevol12 (6), 327–387.
  • Cubo, J., and Laurin, M., 2011. Perspectives on vertebrate évolution: topics and problems. Comptes Rendus Palevol 10 (5–6), 285–515. Links

Meeting reports and announcements in non-refereed journals

(available from the author upon request)

  • LAURIN, M., 2012. JOURNÉES ANNUELLES SFS 2012 : « La Systématique au delà de la phylogénétique ». Bulletin de la Société Française de Systématique 48: 6.
  • LAURIN, M. and CANTINO, P. D. 2006. Second Congrès International de la Société de Nomenclature Phylogénétique : 28 juin-2 juillet, 2006, Université de Yale, USAJournal de l’Association Paléontologique Française 50: 18-21.
  • LAURIN, M. and MARJANOVIC, D. 2006. Un congrès paléontologique gigantesque dans un pays gigantesque (IPC 2006). Journal de l’Association Paléontologique Française 50: 14-17.
  • RICQLES, A. de and LAURIN, M.  2005.  Les tétrapodes du Paléozoïque : actualités de la recherche.  Courrier du Collège de France, 14: 19.
  • LAURIN, M. and RICQLES, A. de 2004. Compte rendu sur le premier congrès international de nomenclature phylogénétique: 6-9 juillet 2004, MNHN.Paris. Bulletin de la Société française de Systématique 32: 9-10.
  • LAURIN, M., PLEIJEL, F., and RICQLES, A. de 2003.  Premier Congrès International de Nomenclature Phylogénétique.  Bulletin de la Société Française de Systématique 30: 18-19.

Scientific correspondence in non-refereed journals

(available from the author upon request)

  • LAURIN, M. 2005. Dites oui au PhyloCode! Bulletin de la Société Française de Systématique, 34 : 25-31.

Reviews in non-refereed journals

(available from the author upon request)

  • LAURIN, M. 2013d. La sortie des eaux chez les vertébrés. Publication trimestrielle de la Société des Amis du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, 256, p. 49–53. 
  • LAURIN, M. 2012. Aujourd’hui dans nos labos. Journal de l’APF, 63, p. 11-16.
  • TRUEB, L. and LAURIN, M.  2003.  The appearance of limbed vertebrates—the stegocephalians; Lissamphibia.  Pp. 7-14 in Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia, 6: Amphibians, Hutchens, M., Duellman, W. E., and Schlager, N. (eds).  Farmington Hills, Michigan: Gale group.
  • LAURIN, M.  2002b.  La conquête de l’environnement terrestre par les vertébrés.  Géochronique 84: 30-32.
  • LAURIN, M. 1999. Recent work on stegocephalian evolution. Bulletin of the Canadian Association of Herpetologists, 13 (1): 7-12.
  • LAURIN, M. 1998. « La vie au Secondaire ». La Recherche, December 1998, 82.

Research papers in non-refereed journals

(available from the author upon request)

  • LAURIN, M. 2001. L’utilisation de la taxonomie phylogénétique en paléontologie: avantages et inconvénients. Biosystema 19: 197-211.

Book reviews in non-refereed journals

(available from the author upon request)

  • LAURIN, M. 2013g. La faim du pétrole : une civilisation de l’énergie vue par des géologues, par Pierre Mariaud, Pascal Breton et Patrick De Wever, 233 pages, EDP Sciences, 2013, 19€ (revue critique d’ouvrage).  Journal de l’APF, 65, pp. 11–13.

Editorials in non-refereed journals

(available from the author upon request)

  • LAURIN, M. 2013f. Éditorial.  Journal de l’APF, 65, p. 4.
  • LAURIN, M. 2013e. Éditorial.  Journal de l’APF, 64, p. 4.
  • LAURIN, M. 2012. Éditorial. Journal de l’APF, 63, p. 4-5.
  • LAURIN, M. 2012. Éditorial. Journal de l’APF, 62, p. 4-5.

On-line, refereed publications

Invited contributions in Oxford Bibliographies

  • LAURIN, M. Tetrapod evolution. In Evolutionary Biology.  Ed. Jonathan Losos. Introduction on open access; full version through subscription.

In the Tree of Life

  • LAURIN, M., 1996. Seymouriamorpha. In Maddison, D. and Maddison, W. (eds) The Tree of Life. Links. Also available in Portugese translation by Artur Weber here.
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. Ariekanerpeton_sigalovi. In Maddison, D. and Maddison, W. (eds) The Tree of Life. Links
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. Seymouria. In Maddison, D. and Maddison, W. (eds) The Tree of Life. Links. Also available in Estonian translation by Arija Liepkalnietis, in German translation  by Lukas Schmidt from Game Period, in Italian by Musicskanner.com, in Indonesian translation by ChameleonJohn.com, in Japanese translation by Daily Deals Coupon, in Romanian translation by Irina Vasilescu, in Russian translation by Karina Sheludenko from Everycloudtech, and in Spanish translation by Coupon Goo.
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. Terrestrial Vertebrates. In Maddison, D. and Maddison, W. (eds) The Tree of Life.  Links. There is an Albanian translation Albanian translation of this page courtesy of Radka Maric and a Malay translation by Lynly Loh from Down To Five.
  • LAURIN, M. 2001. Solenodonsaurus. In Maddison, D. and Maddison, W. (eds) The Tree of Life. Links
  • LAURIN, M., and GAUTHIER, J. A. 1996. Amniota. In Maddison, D. and Maddison, W. (eds) The Tree of Life. Links
  • LAURIN, M., and GAUTHIER, J. A. 2000. Diapsida. In Maddison, D. and Maddison, W. (eds) The Tree of Life. Links
  • STEYER, J.-S., and LAURIN, M. 2000. Temnospondyli. In Maddison, D. and Maddison, W. (eds) The Tree of Life. Links

On-line, non-refereed publications

In Sagascience

  • LAURIN, M.  2005.  La radiation évolutive des stégocéphales permo-carbonifères. Links

In the Tree of Life

  • LAURIN, M., and GAUTHIER, J. A. 2000. Diapsid phylogeny. In Maddison, D. and Maddison, W. (eds) The Tree of Life. Links
  • LAURIN, M., and GAUTHIER, J. A. 2000. Autapomorphies of diapsid clades. In Maddison, D. and Maddison, W. (eds) The Tree of Life. Links
  • STEYER, J.-S., and LAURIN, M. 2000. Phylogeny and apomorphies of temnospondyls. In Maddison, D. and Maddison, W. (eds) The Tree of Life. Links
  • LAURIN, M., and REISZ, R. R. 1997. Synapsida. In Maddison, D. and Maddison, W. (eds) The Tree of Life. Links
  • LAURIN, M., and REISZ, R. R. 1997. Autapomorphies of the main clades of synapsids. In Maddison, D. and Maddison, W. (eds) The Tree of Life. Links
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. Life History in Stegocephalians. In Maddison, D. and Maddison, W. (eds) The Tree of Life. Links
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. Breathing in Stegocephalians. In Maddison, D. and Maddison, W. (eds) The Tree of Life. Links
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. Hearing in Stegocephalians. In Maddison, D. and Maddison, W. (eds) The Tree of Life. Links
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. Hearing in Stegocephalians. Belarussian translation of the English version by Nadejda Dobkina. Links
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. Hearing in Stegocephalians. Bosnian translation of the English version by Amina Dugalic.
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. Hearing in Stegocephalians. Danish translation of the English version by Kate Bondareva. Links
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. Hearing in Stegocephalians. German translation of the English version by Ofir Beigel of 99bitcoins.com.
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. Hearing in Stegocephalians. Greek translation of the English version by Dimitris Galatas.
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. Hearing in Stegocephalians. Italian translation of the English version by Musicskanner.com.
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. Hearing in Stegocephalians. Indonesian translation of the English version by Fira Widagdo.
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. Hearing in Stegocephalians. Kazakh translation of the English version by John Vorohovsky. Links
  • LAURIN, M. 1996. Hearing in Stegocephalians. Lithuanian translation, courtesy of Translate Team.
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. Hearing in Stegocephalians. Polish translation by Natasha Singh made for  Couponmachine.
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. Hearing in Stegocephalians. Portugese translation of the English version by Diana Gomes, from the Translation Team of Clipart Team.
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. Hearing in Stegocephalians. Romanian translation by 7 Binary Options.
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. Hearing in Stegocephalians. Russian translation by Professor Nikolay Pershikov (Tomsk State University).
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. Hearing in stegocephalians. Slovak translation by Science Team.
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. Hearing in Stegocephalians. LinksSpanish translation of the English version on the   Science for all web site (initiated by Timur) with careful edition for style and clarity from Graciela Piñeiro.
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. Hearing in Stegocephalians. Swedish translation of the English version by Tilia Kurek.
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. Hearing in Stegocephalians. Ukrainian translation of the English version by Best Reviews Base.
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. Phylogeny of Stegocephalians. In Maddison, D. and Maddison, W. (eds) The Tree of Life. Links
  • LAURIN, M., 1996. Utegenia_shpinari. In Maddison, D. and Maddison, W. (eds) The Tree of Life. Links
  • LAURIN, M., and GAUTHIER, J. A. 1996. Phylogeny and classification of amniotes.In Maddison, D. and Maddison, W. (eds) The Tree of Life. Links
  • LAURIN, M. 1996. Temporal Fenestration and the Classification of Amniotes. In Maddison, D. and Maddison, W. (eds) The Tree of Life. Links

In the Museum of Paleontology of the University of California (UCMP)

  • LAURIN, M. et HUTCHINSON, J. R. 1996. Introduction to Anapsida. Links
  • LAURIN, M. et HUTCHINSON, J. R. 1996. Anapsida: Fossil Record. Links
  • LAURIN, M. et HUTCHINSON, J. R. 1996. Anapsida: Life History and Ecology. Links
  • LAURIN, M. et HUTCHINSON, J. R. 1996. Anapsida: More on Morphology. Links
  • LAURIN, M. et HUTCHINSON, J. R. 1996. Anapsida: Systematics. Links
  • LAURIN, M. et HUTCHINSON, J. R. 1996. Introduction to Millerettidae. Links
  • LAURIN, M. et HUTCHINSON, J. R. 1996. Acleistorhinus. Links
  • LAURIN, M. et HUTCHINSON, J. R. 1996. Introduction to Lanthanosuchidae. Links
  • LAURIN, M. et HUTCHINSON, J. R. 1996. Introduction to Pareiasauria. Links
  • LAURIN, M. et HUTCHINSON, J. R. 1996. Pareiasauria: More on Morphology. Links
  • LAURIN, M. et HUTCHINSON, J. R. 1996. Introduction to Procolophonoidea. Links
  • LAURIN, M. et HUTCHINSON, J. R. 1996. Procolophonoidea: More on Morphology. Links
  • WAGGONER, B. M., SPEER, B. R., et LAURIN, M. 1996. Introduction to the Tetrapoda. Links
  • WAGGONER, B. M., SPEER, B. R., et LAURIN, M. 1996. Systematics of the Tetrapods. Links
  • WAGGONER, B. M., SPEER, B. R., et LAURIN, M. 1996. Morphology of the Tetrapods. Links

In Wikipedia (anonymous, but my contribution can be verified in the page history; the year that I have indicated is when I made may contribution to the various pages, not when these pages were created (typically sooner) or last updated)

Pages created (in the English version of Wikipedia except when specified otherwise):

Pages edited (in reverse chronological order):

CD-ROM publications

  • JANVIER, P. and LAURIN, M. Histoire de la cladistique, repères chronologiques, Encyclopaedia Universalis, version CD-Rom, 2011.

Computer programs

  • Gao F., J. Corcy, & M. Laurin. Regressor (software to perform linear regressions in batches, especially useful to asses results of simulations). View regressorjava1.4.jar (links) or View regressorjava1.5.jar (links)
  • Gao F., J. Corcy, & M. Laurin. AC3: Phylogenetic Independent Contrasts for Continuous and Categorical Variables (experimental program mostly designed for testing the performance of various modifications of phylogenetic independent contrasts). View ac3.zip (links)
  • GAO, F AND LAURIN, M. SimExport (software to convert simulated data from PDSIMUL into a better format for statistical analysis). View simexport1.zip (links)
  • MARJANOVIC, D. and LAURIN, M. 2007. Modified ModelTest script to use a parsimony guide tree. View modelblockpaupb10-p (links)
  • JOSSE, S., MOREAU, T., AND LAURIN, M. 2006. Stratigraphic tools for Mesquite. links
  • FAURE E., LONY E., LOVIGNY R., MENEGOZ A., TING Y., AND LAURIN M. 2006. Strat add for Mesquite. links
  • GIRONDOT M. AND LAURIN M.  2003. Bone Profiler. Available at www.ese.u-psud.fr/epc/conservation/Bone_Profiler/

Presentations given at scientific meetings

Invited opening conference talks with financing

  • LAURIN, M. La nomenclature biologique aujourd’hui : que reste-t-il de Linné ? Annecy, France, June 4, 2009, p. 1 (abstract

Invited opening conference talks without financing

  • LAURIN, M.  Welcome speech, biography of Armand de Ricqlès. Perspectives on vertebrate evolution: topics and problems, Collège de France, Paris, June 14–16, 2010.

Plenary talks with financing

  • Laurin M. Fossils, molecules, ontogeny, and the origin of extant amphibians. In : Reynoso, V. H., B. Oseguera-Montiel, P. Flores-Mejía. 2013. Programa y resumenes del VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontologia & XIII Congreso Mexicano de Paleontologia (links). Guanajuato, Mexico, September 24, 2013, p. 19.
  • LAURIN M.  Evolutionary radiation of Paleozoic limbed vertebrates. Primer Congreso Uruguayao de Zoologia, Montevideo, Uruguay, December 5–10, 2010, p. 39 (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M.  Problems in rank-based nomenclature.  Third Meeting of International Society of Phylogenetic Nomenclature, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, 20–22 July, 2008 (abstract). 

Invited talks with financing

  • Marjanovic D., Laurin M. Gigantic study and surprising results (for some) about stegocephalian phylogeny and lissamphibian origins. 8th World Congress of Herpetology. Hangzhou and Tonglu, China, 15–21 August, 2016. Abstract booklet distributed on-site, p. 57 (abstract).
  • Laurin M., Ascarrunz, E., Tissier, J., Laloy, F., Rage, J.-C. Recent progress in early lissamphibian evolution: recent Parisian contributions. 8th World Congress of Herpetology. Hangzhou and Tonglu, China, 15–21 August, 2016. Abstract booklet distributed on-site, p. 578 (abstract).
  • Laurin M. Morphologie et évolution au 20ème siècle. Morphologie et biologie évolutive : Forme, variation, évolution. École Pratique des Hautes Études, Sciences de la vie et de la terre, laboratoire Biogéosciences, Paris, April 14, 2015 (abstract).
  • Laurin M. Taxa and clades in rank-based and phylogenetic nomenclature. In : Reynoso, V. H., B. Oseguera-Montiel, P. Flores-Mejía. 2013. Programa y resumenes del VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontologia & XIII Congreso Mexicano de Paleontologia. (links) Guanajuato, Mexico, September 27, 2013, p. 59 (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M. 2013. Heterochrony analysis: from event pairing to continuous analysis. ICVM-10, Barcelona, July 8-12, 2013. P. 134 (abstract)
  • LAURIN, M. 2013. Recent progress in assessing paleobiodiversity and its evolution through time. Strati 2013 meeting, Lisbon, July 3-6. Ciências de Terra Special issue VII, p. 69 (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M. Review of methods of comparative analyses and paleobiological inference. In “Predatory and anti-predatory behaviors : from structures to simulation”, part of the “From animals to animats” SAB (Simulation of Adaptive Behavior) 2010 Workshops. Paris, Farnce, August 24, 2010.
  • LAURIN, M. Le PhyloCode. Faut-il classer le vivant? Dijon, France, January 31–February 3, 2007, pp. 8–9 (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M.  The advantages of Phylogenetic Nomenclature over Linnean Nomenclature.  International Conference “Animal Names” organized by the “Instituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti”, Venice, 2–4 October, 2003 (abstract).

Invited talks without financing

  • Laurin, m. Recent progress in paleontological dating of the Tree of Life. III Congreso Uruguayo de Zoologia, Montevideo, 7–12 December 2014.
  • Laurin, M. Origine des lissamphibiens : une revue avec emphase sur les données evo-devo. Journées d’Automne 2014 de la SFS : L’Arbre du Vivant. Paris, 26–28 November 2014. Program with abstracts (abstract).
  • DUBOIS, A., LAURIN, M. Les mots et les choses : exprimer la biodiversité en contexte phylogénétique. In. « Cent cinquante ans après l’Origine des espèces : du darwinisme de Darwin à l’évolutionnisme contemporain », Collège de France, Paris, 11 June 2009, p. 22 (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M., GERMAIN, D., STEYER, J.-S., VINCENT, P., and GIRONDOT, M.  L’apport des données microanatomiques sur la conquête de l’environnement terrestre par les vertébrés.  In « Biologie évolutive des organismes », Muséum  National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 9-10 December 2003.
  • LAURIN, M.  2000.  Définitions phylogénétiques en paléontologie: avantages et inconvénients.  Annual meeting of the « Société Française de Systématique », Collège de France, 17 October 2000, Paris (abstract).

Regular talks

  • Ascarrunz, E., Laurin, M. Dating pipoid frog diversification. Young Natural History Sicentists’ meeting (links), Paris, February 12–13, 2014 (podyrt; abstract, p. 17).
  • Tissier, J., Laurin, M. Chronology of the diversification of Cryptobranchoidea. Young Natural History Scientists’ meeting, (links) Paris, February 12–13, 2014 (poster; abstract, p. 18).
  • Piñeiro, G., Ramos, A., Meguel, M., Spindler, F., Ferigolo, J., Laurin, M. Taphonomic and paleoecological studies suggest reproductive aggregation and social behavior in mesosaurs. XXIII Congresso Brasileiro de Paleontologia, Gramados, RS, Brazil, October 12–18, 2013 (abstract in booklet, p. 313).
  • LAURIN, M. 2013. Bone microanatomy and lifestyle : recent developments and challenges. ICVM-10, Barcelona, July 8-12, 2013. P. 241 (abstract)
  • LAURIN, M. How to detect heterochronies ? Journées d’Automne de la Société Française de Systématique, Paris, France, October 8-10, 2012 (abstract in booklet, p. 7).
  • LAURIN, M. Evolutionary trends. Journées d’Automne de la Société Française de Systématique, Paris, France, October 8-10, 2012 (abstract in booklet, pp. 3-4).
  • SMITH, H., PARKER, W. H., KOTZE, S. H., LAURIN, M. Evolution of the cecal appendix across mammalian species. Journées d’Automne de la Société Française de Systématique, Paris, France, October 8-10, 2012 (abstract in booklet, p. 4).
  • MESLIN, C., MUGNIER, S., LAURIN, M., PASCAL, G., POUPON, A., GOUDET, G., MONGET, P* . Évolution des gènes impliqués dans les interactions gamétiques chez les vertébrés : mise en évidence de sélection positive, duplications et pertes. Journées d’Automne de la Société Française de Systématique, Paris, France, October 8-10, 2012 (abstract in booklet, p. 2).
  • LEGENDRE, L., LE ROY, N., MARTINEZ-MAZA, C., MONTES, L., LAURIN, M., CUBO, J. Phylogenetic signal in bone histology of amniotes revisited. Journées d’Automne de la Société Française de Systématique, Paris, France, October 8-10, 2012 (abstract in booklet, p. 3).
  • LALOY, F., RAGE, J.-C., LAURIN, M., BOISTEL, R. Tomographie à rayons X d’une « momie » d’anoure de l’Éocène du Quercy : anatomie et position systématique. Journées d’Automne de la Société Française de Systématique, Paris, France, October 8-10, 2012 (abstract distributed separately in meeting).
  • LAURIN, M. Recent progress in understanding early tetrapod evolution. 21st International Congress of Zoology, Haifa, Israël, September 5, 2012 (abstract in booklet, p. 65).
  • LAURIN, M. APF-Association Paléontologique Française. « Rencontre inter-association de la Fédération Française des Géosciences », Paris, France, June 14, 2012.
  • LAURIN, M. Tolérance osmotique et habitat des stégocéphales du Paléozoïque : données indirectes de la parcimonie, taphonomie, paléobiogéographie, physiologie et morphologie.  Annual meeting of the Association Paléontologique Française, May 20, 2011 (abstract).
  • PINEIRO, G., FERIGOLO, J., RAMOS*, A. LAURIN M.  The morphology of the mesosaur pedal digit V. Primer Congreso Uruguayao de Zoologia, Montevideo, Uruguay, December 5–10, 2010, p. 117 (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M. Use of paleontological data in comparative and paleobiological analyses: a few recent developments. 14th evolutionary biology meeting at Marseilles, France, September 20–24, 2010 (abstract).
  • MARJANOVIC, D. and LAURIN, M. Phylogénie des tétrapodes avec considération spéciale de l’origine des amphibiens modernes. Perspectives on vertebrate evolution: topics and problems, Collège de France, Paris, June 14–16, 2010.
  • LAURIN, M. and CANOVILLE A. Bone microanatomy, habitat use in extant tetrapods, and the move onto land: a progress report. Perspectives on vertebrate evolution: topics and problems, Collège de France, Paris, June 14–16, 2010.
  • MARJANOVIC, D. and LAURIN, M. 2009. A closer look at three published data matrices reveals support for the « lepospondyl hypothesis » on the origin of extant amphibians. 69th Annual Meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Bristol, UK, September 23–26. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 29 (3, supplement): 142A (abstract).
  • MARJANOVIC, D. and LAURIN, M., A closer look at published data matrices reveals support for the “lepospondyl hypothesis” on the origin of Lissamphibia. 7th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, Berlin, 20–24 July, 2009, p. 45 (abstract).
  • MARJANOVIC, D. and LAURIN, M., A reevaluarion of the evidence supporting an unorthodox hypothesis on the origin of extant amphibians. Tribute to Charles Darwin and Bernissart Iguanodons : new perspectives on vertebrate evolution and Early Cretaceous ecosystems, Brussels, 9–13 February, 2009, p. 64 (abstract).
  • MARJANOVIC, D. and LAURIN, M., Dating the origin of Lissamphibia by three techniques suggests a Permian, monophyletic origin. 68th Annual Meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2008, Cleveland, Ohio, October 15–18, 2008, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 28 (3, supplement): 112A (abstract).
  • MARJANOVIC, D. and LAURIN, M. The origin of Lissamphibia dated by three techniques suggests a Permian, monophyletic origin. 6th meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, Spisska Nova Ves, Slovakia, 30 June–5 July 2008, pp. 63–64 (abstract).
  • MARJANOVIC, D. and LAURIN*, M., The origin of Lissamphibia dated by three techniques suggests a Permian, monophyletic origin. III Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontología de Vertebrados, Neuquen, Argentina, 22–25 September, 2008, p. 150 (abstract).
  • MARJANOVIC, D. and LAURIN*, M., Assessing confidence intervals for stratigraphic ranges of higher taxa: the case of Lissamphibia. XXth International Congress of Zoology, Paris, France, 26–29 August 2008, p. 29 (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M., and MARJANOVIC*, D. Near-consensus definitions of the names Amphibia and Lissamphibia.  Third Meeting of International Society of Phylogenetic Nomenclature, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, 20–22 July, 2008 (abstract)
  • MARJANOVIC, D. and LAURIN, M., The origin of Lissamphibia dated by three techniques suggests a Permian, monophyletic origin. Faunas and palaeoenvironments of the Late Palaeozoic - Special Publication to 5th Symposium on Permo-Carboniferous Faunas, Museum of Eastern Bohemia at Hradec Králové, July, 7–11, 2008, pp. 19–21 (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M. Terrestrialization in early vertebrates. Terrestrialization influences on the Paleozoic Geosephere-Biosphere. Paris, France, October 8–9, 2007, p. 15 (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M. Morphological evolution of vertebrates in the conquest of land. 8th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology. Paris, France, July 16–21, 2007, p. 71 (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M. Recent works on the conquest of land by vertebrates. 5th Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Paleontologists. Carcassonne, France, May 15–19, 2007, p. 40 (abstract).
  • MARJANOVIC, D. and LAURIN, M. Paleontological and molecular perspectives on the origin and diversification of lissamphibians. 5th Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Paleontologists. Carcassonne, France, May 15–19, 2007, p. 43 (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M. Développements récents du PhyloCode et de l’ISPN. First Mediterranean Herpetological Congress. Marrakech, Morocco, April 16–20, 2007, p. 39 (abstract).
  • MARJANOVIC, D. and LAURIN* , M. A paleontological and molecular perspective on the origin of lissamphibians. First Mediterranean Herpetological Congress. Marrakech, Morocco, April 16–20, 2007, p. 39 (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M. Développements récents en nomenclature phylogénétique: PhyloCode et ISPN. Journées annuelles de la Société Française de Systématique “Nouvelles de la Systématique”, October 2, 2006 (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M. Representation of the ISPN and the success of the PhyloCode. Second Meeting of the International Society for Phylogenetic Nomenclature, Yale University, New Haven, USA, 28 June-2 July, 2006 (abstract)
  • MARJANOVIC, D.*  and LAURIN, M.  Fossils, molecules, divergence times, and the origin of lissamphibians.  2nh International Palaeontological Congress, Beijing, China, 17-21 June, 2006, 153 (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M. *, MEUNIER, F. J., GERMAIN, D., and LEMOINE, M.  A microanatomical and histological study of the paired fin skeleton of the Devonian sarcopterygian Eusthenopteron and the conquest of land by vertebrates.  2nd International Palaeontological Congress, Beijing, China, 17-21 June, 2006.
  • GERMAIN, D. and LAURIN, M.  Microanatomy of the radius and lifestyle in amniotes.  65th Annual Meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, 19-22 October, 2005, Mesa, Arizona, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 25 (3, supplement): 63A (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M., MEUNIER, F. J., GERMAIN, D., and LEMOINE, M.  A microanatomical and histological study of the paired fin skeleton of the Devonian sarcopterygian Eusthenopteron and the conquest of land by vertebrates.  5th World Congress of Herpetology, Stellenbosch, 19-24 June, 2005, 67 (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M. and SOLER-GIJON, R..  The otic region of the Carboniferous temnospondyl Iberospondylus schultzei, the midddle ear of temnospondyls, and the evolution of hearing in early tetrapods.  5th World Congress of Herpetology, Stellenbosch, 19-24 June, 2005, 67-68 (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M.  The Evolution of Body Size, Cope’s Rule and the Origin of Amniotes.  8th Evolutionary Biology Meeting at Marseilles, Marseille, September 22-24, 2004, 14 (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M.  Welcome speech. First International Phylogenetic Nomenclature Meeting, Paris, July 6-9, 2004.
  • LAURIN, M.  A phylogenetic nomenclature of early limbed vertebrates. First International Phylogenetic Nomenclature Meeting, Paris, July 6-9, 2004. (abstract)
  • LAURIN, M.  For a crown-clade definition of the name Tetrapoda. First International Phylogenetic Nomenclature Meeting, Paris, July 6-9, 2004.
  • LAURIN, M., GERMAIN, D., STEYER, J.-S., VINCENT, P., and GIRONDOT, M.  L’apport des données microanatomiques sur la conquête de l’environnement terrestre par les vertébrés.  In “31ème Congrès Annuel de la Société Herpétologique de France”, Banyuls, France, 2-5 July 2003 (abstract).
  • BONNAUD, L., CASANE, D., DELGADO, S., LAURIN, M., SIRE, J.-Y., and GIRONDOT, M. Molecular biology and the early evolutionary history of vertebrate skeleton proteins: the case of amelogenin. In « Journées Développement et évolution, un hommage à André Adoutte. 17 October 2002, Paris.
  • LAURIN, M. 2002. The advantages of phylogenetic nomenclature in paleontology. Sixth International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary iology, « Biodiversity in the Information Age », September 2002, Patras, Greece, 263 (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M. and SOLER-GIJON, R. 2001. Iberospondylus and a reappraisal of the osmotic tolerance of early amphibians. 4th World Congress of Herpetology, 3rd-9thDecember 2001, Bentota, Sri Lanka, 63-64 (abstract).
  • STEYER, J. S., LAURIN, M., CASTANET, J., and RICQLÈS, A. de. 2001. Histological evidence of rapid growth in Dutuitosaurus, a stegocephalian from the Triassic of Morocco. 61th Annual Meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, 3-6 October, 2001, Bozeman, Montana, <Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 21 (3, supplement): 104A-105A (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M., STEYER, J.-S., GIRONDOT, M., and RICQLÈS, A. de. 2000b. Early limb evolution: histological features and their relevance to the problem of the conquest of land by vertebrates. 60th Annual Meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 20 (3, supplement): 53A (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M., STEYER, J.-S., GIRONDOT, M., and RICQLÈS, A. de. 2000a. Early limb evolution: histological and microanatomical features and their relevance to the problem of the conquest of land by vertebrates. 7th International Conference on Limb Development and Regeneration, Aussois, France, 20-24 May 2000, Developmental Dynamics, 219: 441 (abstract).
  • GIRONDOT, M., DELGADO, S. BONNAUD, L., and LAURIN, M. 2000. At the origin of amelogenin. 4th Enamel Conference, Chapel Hill, NC.
  • LAURIN, M., Steyer, J.-S., GIRONDOT, M., and RICQLÈS, A. de. 1999. Histological evidence for the conquest of land and returns to the aquatic environment among early stegocephalians. Secondary adaptation to life in water II, Copenhagen, 13-17 September 1999, p. 32 (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M. 1999. Travaux récents sur l’évolution et la paléoécologie des stégocéphales. 27ème Congrès Annuel de la Société Herpétologique de France, Poitiers, 1-4 july 1999, p. 32 (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M. and REISZ, R. R. 1999. A new study of Solenodonsaurus janenschi, and a reconsideration of amniote origins and stegocephalian evolution. Major events in early vertebrate evolution: palaeontology, phylogeny and development. Joint meeting of The Natural History Museum and the Systematics Association. The Natural History Museum, London, 8-9 April 1999, p. 47 (abstract).
  • OTTO, M. and LAURIN, M. 1999. Structure of the dermal skeleton of Middle Devonian osteostracans from the East Baltic. Fourth Baltic stratigraphic Conference, Jurmala (near Riga), 27-30 September1999. Ichthyolith Issues Special Publication 5: 37-38, Riga. (abstract).
  • GIRONDOT, M., DELGADO, S., SIRE, J.-Y., and LAURIN, M. 1999. Datation moléculaire de l’acquisition de matrices des tissus minéralisés chez les Vertébrés. Deuxièmes journées françaises de Biologie des Tissus Minéralisés. Versailles, 8-9 mars 1999, p. 85 (abstract).
  • RICQLÈS, A. and LAURIN, M. 1998. At the origin of tetrapods. 9th Ordinary General Meeting of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica. Chambéry, 25-29 August 1998, (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M. 1997. A new hypothesis for the origin of tetrapods, lissamphibians and amniotes. Fifth International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, 12-17 July, 1997, Bristol, UK, Journal of Morphology, 232 (3): 284 (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M. and REISZ*, R. R. 1997. Reevaluation of tetrapod phylogeny. 57th Annual Meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, 8-11 October, 1997, Chicago, Illinois, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 17 (3, supplement): 59A (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M. 1996. Une nouvelle phylogénie des tétrapodes et l’évolution de l’oreille moyenne des amphibiens. Deuxième Congrès National de Paléontologie de l’Association Paléontologique Française (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M. 1994. A new study of discosauriscid anatomy using digital image editing software. 54th Annual Meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, 19-22 October, 1994, Seattle, Washington, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 14 (3, supplement): 32A (abstract).
  • REISZ, R. R. and LAURIN, M. 1994. Phylogenetic relationships of early amniotes. Fourth International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Chicago, Illinois, 31 July-4 August, 1994, Journal of Morphology, 220 (3): 384-385 (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M. and REISZ, R. R. 1993. The origin of turtles. 53rd Annual Meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, 13-16 October, 1993, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 13 (3, supplement): 46A (abstract).
  • REISZ, R. R. and LAURIN*, M. 1992. A reassessment of chelonian origins. 35th Annual Meeting, Society for the study of amphibians and reptiles. University of Texas at El Paso (abstract).
  • Laurin, M. 1991. A review of the genus Haptodus. 51st Annual Meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, 24-26 October, 1991, San Diego, California, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 11 (3, supplement): 42A (abstract).
  • Laurin, M. 1990. Diapsid phylogeny and the advantages of computerized cladistics analysis. Joint Review Seminar with the Geological Society on « Analysing Palaeontological Data » (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M. and REISZ, R. R. 1989. Tetraceratops and the origin of therapsids. 49th Annual Meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2-4 November, 1989, Austin, Texas, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 9 (3, supplement): 29 (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M. and REISZ, R. R. 1989. Tetraceratops, the oldest known therapsids. First World Congress of Herpetology, Canterbury, UK.
  • REISZ, R. R., and LAURIN*, M. 1989. Owenetta, a primitive procolophonid from South Africa, and the origin of turtles. First World Congress of Herpetology (abstract).
  • LAURIN, M. 1988. The osteology and relationships of an Early Permian diapsid from Texas. 48th Annual Meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, 13-15 October, 1988, Drumheller, Alberta, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 8 (3, supplement): 19-20 (abstract).


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Terrains de recherche


Field experience

Uruguay: December 2010. Participated in an Uruguayan field crew led by Graciela Piñeiro in Northern Uruguay, in the Buena Vista, Yaguari and Mangrullo formations, Permian to Permo-Triassic.
Patagonia: November 2009. Participated in an international field crew in the Cañon de Asfalte formation, Jurassic.
Nova Scotia: Summers 1987, 1988, 1990. Collected early vertebrates in Mississippian to Triassic localities of Burntcoat, Cap Rouge, Grand Etang, Horton Bluffs, Joggins, Parrsboro, Point Edward, and Port Hood. Extracted a Triassic archosaur near Parrsboro for the Nova Scotia Museum.
Texas and Oklahoma: Summer 1989. Collected early vertebrates in several Lower Permian localities, including the Dolese Brothers quarry near Fort Sill.
New Mexico: Summers 1986 and 1988. Collected early vertebrates in localities in Lower Permian Cutler/Abo formations and Lower Triassic Chinle formation.


  • Didier Gilles & Laurin Michel, décembre 2021Distributions of Extinction Times from Fossil Ages and Tree Topologies: The Example of Mid-Permian Synapsid Extinctions. vol. 9, , dir. {PeerJ} e12577
  • Lemierre Alfred & Laurin Michel, décembre 2021Conversion of the Names Pyxicephaloidea, Pyxicephalidae and Pyxicephalinae (Anura, Ranoidea) into Phylogenetic Nomenclature. vol. 25, n° 3, p. 81-92
  • Collard Maxime K., Bardin Jérémie, Laurin Michel & Ogier‐Denis Eric, novembre 2021The Cecal Appendix Is Correlated with Greater Maximal Longevity in Mammals. vol. 239, n° 5, p. 1157-1169
    0021-8782, 1469-7580
  • Mondéjar‐Fernández Jorge, Meunier François J., Cloutier Richard, Clément Gaël & Laurin Michel, août 2021A Microanatomical and Histological Study of the Scales of the Devonian Sarcopterygian Miguashaia Bureaui and the Evolution of the Squamation in Coelacanths. vol. 239, n° 2, p. 451-478
    0021-8782, 1469-7580
  • Buffa Valentin, Frey Eberhard, Steyer J.-Sébastien & Laurin Michel, juillet 2021A New Cranial Reconstruction of Coelurosauravus Elivensis Piveteau, 1926 (Diapsida, Weigeltisauridae) and Its Implications on the Paleoecology of the First Gliding Vertebrates. vol. 41, n° 2, dir. {Society of Vertebrate Paleontology}
  • Canoville Aurore, De Buffrénil Vivian & Laurin Michel, 2021« Bone Microanatomy and Lifestyle in Tetrapods » in Vertebrate Skeletal Histology and Paleohistology.. , , dir. {CRC Press} p. 724-743
  • Cubo Jorge, Legendre Lucas J & Laurin Michel, 2021« Phylogenetic Signal in Bone Histology » in Vertebrate Skeletal Histology and Paleohistology.. , , dir. {CRC Press} p. 617-625
  • De Buffrenil Vivian, Amson Eli, Quilhac Alexandra, Voeten Dennis F. A. E. & Laurin Michel, 2021« Microanatomical Features of Bones and Their Basic Measurement » in Vertebrate Skeletal Histology and Paleohistology.. , , dir. {CRC Press} p. 59-80
  • de Buffrénil Vivian, De Muizon Christian, Dumont Maitena, Laurin Michel & Lambert Olivier, 2021« Diversity of Bone Microstructure in Mammals » in Vertebrate Skeletal Histology and Paleohistology.. , , dir. {CRC Press} p. 564-614