The CR2P is a laboratory completely devoted to palaeontology s.l.. It is supported by the MNHN (National Museum of Natural History), the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research, INEE) and the Sorbonne University.
Micropalaeontology (benthic foraminiferans and radiolarians) and chemostratigraphy of the Mesozoic : palaeoenvironmental crises, the impact of massive volcanism on marine ecostsyems, interactions between palaeofertility of the oceans and climate
annachiara.bartolini [at]
01 40 79 30 40
01 40 79 35 80
Custom address(es)
MNHN - Bâtiment de paléontologie
8 rue Buffon
75005 Paris
Responsibilities inside unit
Membre du conseil scientifique
Responsibilities outside unit
Membre du conseil du département Origines & Evolution
Caron Benoît, Del Manzo Giulia, Villemant Benoît, Bartolini Annachiara, Moreno Eva, Le Friant Anne, Baudin François & Alves Ana, July 2023 — Marine records reveal multiple phases of Toba’s last volcanic activity. Scientific Reportsvol. 13, n° 1, p. 11575Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
Jouini Arbia, Paris Guillaume, Caro Guillaume, Bartolini Annachiara & Gardin Sivia, 2023 — Constraining oceanic carbonate chemistry evolution during the Cretaceous-Paleogene transition: Combined benthic and planktonic calcium isotope records from the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Earth and Planetary Science Lettersvol. 619, , p. 118305Publisher: Elsevier
Hairie Clara, Forel Marie-Béatrice, Bartolini Annachiara, Argot Christine, Herbin Marc & Rouchon Véronique, October 2022 — The peregrination of Alcide d’Orbigny’s Foraminifera Collection at the Museum of Natural History, Paris: From the creation of a Palaeontology chair to the advent of Micropalaeontology. Annales de Paléontologievol. 108, n° 4, p. 102557Publisher: Elsevier Masson
Baldanza Angela, Bizzarri Roberto, Bartolini Annachiara, Bertinelli Angela & Colacicchi Roberto, July 2022 — « The Jurassic structural high of Sasso di Pale(Umbria-Marche Basin, Italy): How a small Apennine structurerecorded Early to Middle Jurassic global perturbations » in From the Guajira Desert to the Apennines, and from Mediterranean Microplates to the Mexican Killer Asteroid: Honoring the Career of Walter Alvarez.. vol. Geological Society of America Special Paper 557, ,
de Wever Patrick, Bartolini Annachiara, Forel Marie-Béatrice & Gardin Silvia, May 2022 — « Missions en mer » in Paléontologie d’aujourd’hui.. , , p. 80-82
Brandon Margaux, Duchamp-Alphonse Stéphanie, Michel Elisabeth, Landais Amaelle, Isguder Gulay, Richard Patricia, Pige Nicolas, Bassinot Franck, Jaccard Samuel L. & Bartolini Annachiara, 2022 — Enhanced Carbonate Counter Pump and upwelling strengths in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean during MIS 11. Quaternary Science Reviewsvol. 287, , p. 107556Publisher: Elsevier
de Lapparent de Broin France, Métais Grégoire, Bartolini Annachiara, Brohi Imdad Ali, Lashari Rafiq A., Marivaux Laurent, Merle Didier, Warar Mashooque Ali & Solangi Sarfraz H., December 2021 — First report of a bothremydid turtle, Sindhochelys ragei n. gen., n. sp., from the early Paleocene of Pakistan, systematic and palaeobiogeographic implications. Geodiversitasvol. 43, n° 25, p. 1341-1363Publisher: Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle Paris
Moreno Eva & Bartolini Annachiara, December 2021 — « Ocean Cores, Climate Archives » in Natural History Collections in the Science of the 21st Century.. , , p. 159-175
Falzoni Francesca & Bartolini Annachiara, January 2021 — Taxonomic Re-Examination of the Late Cretaceous Planktonic Foraminiferal Species Archaeoglobigerina Cretacea (d’Orbigny, 1840) and Constraints on Its Morphologic Variability and Stratigraphic Distribution in One of The Type Localities (Kent, SE England). Journal of Foraminiferal Researchvol. 51, n° 1, p. 46-63Publisher: Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research