The laboratory is structured in three teams that reflect our three major research areas.
Coordinator: Dominique Gommery
See the presentation page of the PALPAL team
The research of the PALPAL team members is developed around 3 themes:
Coordinator: Michel Laurin
See the presentation page of the PDM team
The research of the PDM team members is developed around 4 themes:
Old world.
Timing of taxononic and phenotypic diversification.
Phylogenies and complex morphological variation.
Paleophysiology: origin and evolution of endothermy in tetrapods
Coordinators: Peggy Vincent and Damien Germain
See the presentation page of the FOSFO team
The research of the FOSFO team members is developed around 3 time themes:
Terrestrialisation (or water exit) during the Paleozoic.
Secondary return to aquatic life from the Mesozoic.
Special adaptations during the Cenozoic.