Affiliation entity
Interdisplinary research theme
Konservat-Lagerstätten, arthropodes marins (ex : crustacés décapodes), systématique, paléobiologie, paléoécologie, origines des préservations exceptionnelles
Accreditation to supervise research


Social networks
sylvain.charbonnier [at]
01 40 79 30 23
01 40 79 35 80
Custom address(es)

MNHN - Bâtiment de paléontologie
8 rue Buffon
75005 Paris

Responsibilities inside unit

directeur adjoint, co-responsable du projet PALEX : Paléobidiversité : aspects exceptionnels et cryptiques

Responsibilities outside unit

Président de la Société Géologique de France







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Research fields

La Voulte-sur-Rhône, France Canjuers, France Hakel & Hadjoula, Liban Gara Sbaa, Maroc


  • Charbonnier Sylvain, Garassino Alessandro, Pasini Giovanni & Chény Cédric, 2024Review of brachyuran crabs from the late Miocene (Messinian) of Oran, Algeria. Geodiversitas vol. 46, n° 2, p. 13-29
  • Odin Giliane P., Leloup Julie, Nguyen Tu Thanh Thuy, Charbonnier Sylvain & Derenne Sylvie, January 2024Taphonomic experiments on caridean shrimp elucidate the timing and influence of organic matter on diagenetic pyritization and sulfurization. Chemical Geology vol. 644, , p. 121858
  • Charbonnier Sylvain, Gilardet Rémy, Garassino Alessandro & Odin Giliane, December 2023A new species of mecochirid lobster from the Late Cretaceous of France, preserved with its eggs. Geodiversitas vol. 45, n° 23,
  • Charbonnier Sylvain, Garassino Alessandro, Gendry Damien, Devillez Julien & Picot Laurent, October 2023The decapod crustacean fauna from the Late Jurassic of Cricqueboeuf, Normandy (France). Geodiversitas vol. 45, n° 19,
  • Laville Thomas, Forel Marie-Béatrice & Charbonnier Sylvain, October 2023Re-appraisal of thylacocephalans (Euarthropoda, Thylacocephala) from the Jurassic La Voulte-sur-Rhône Lagerstätte. European Journal of Taxonomy vol. 898, ,
  • Garassino Alessandro, Pasini Giovanni, Schweigert Günter & Charbonnier Sylvain, February 2023An updated reassessment of Antrimpos Münster, 1839 (Dendrobranchiata, Penaeidae). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen vol. 307, n° 1, p. 1-15
  • Laville Thomas, Hegna Thomas A, Forel Marie-Béatrice, Darroch Simon & Charbonnier Sylvain, February 2023New look at Concavicaris woodfordi (Euarthropoda: Pancrustacea?) using micro-computed tomography. Palaeontologia Electronica vol. 26, n° 1, a3
  • Pasini Giovanni, Garassino Alessandro & Charbonnier Sylvain, February 2023A new litogastrid lobster (Decapoda, Glypheoidea) from the Anisian (Middle Triassic) of the Dolomiti del Cadore (Belluno, Veneto, NE Italy). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen vol. 307, n° 2, p. 101-105
  • Charbonnier Sylvain, Garassino Alessandro & López-Horgue Mikel, January 2023A new species of glypheid lobster, Glyphea pisuergae (Crustacea, Glypheoidea), from the Early Jurassic of Palencia, Basque-Cantabrian Basin, Spain. Annales de Paléontologie vol. 109, n° 1, p. 102596