CR2P Seminar
Long sperms with a long history: Reproduction in non-marine Ostracoda (Crustacea) | Renate Matzke-Karasz
© Sophie Fernandez
Cette séance du séminaire aura lieu en présentiel dans les locaux du CR2P sur le campus Pierre et Marie Curie de Sorbonne Université (salle Fourcade) et en visioconférence sur Zoom.
Spermatozoa of non-marine ostracods are among the longest known in the animal kingdom. Their morphology is outstanding, and reproduction with such sperms requires a variety of anatomical and behavioural adaptations. Can this system persist over geological time scales? Only exceptionally preserved fossils can tell us more. We dive into what is known about the history of ‘giant ostracod sperms’ through rare fossils with soft part preservation.
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