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Thème interdisciplinaire de recherche
Reptiles marins mésozoïques


peggy.vincent [at] mnhn.fr
01 40 79 33 52
01 40 79 35 80
Adresse(s) personnalisée(s)

MNHN - Bâtiment de paléobotanique
18 rue Buffon
75005 Paris

Responsabilités dans l'unité

Co-direction de l’équipe 3 FOSFO - Formes, Structures et Fonctions


  • Bomou Brahimsamba, Grosjean Anne-Sabine, Suchéras-Marx Baptiste, Schlögl Jan, Adatte Thierry, SPANGENBERG JORGE. E., Brazier Jean-Michel, Fernandez Vincent, Fouché Stéphane, Gibert Corentin, Janneau Kevin, perrier vincent, Vincent Peggy, Zacaï Axelle, Martin Jérémy et al., novembre 2021Volcanically Induced Warming and Sea-Level Rise as Triggers of Exceptional Vertebrate Preservation in Toarcian Shales of Southern France (Hérault). , ,
  • Latil Jean-Louis, Jaillard Etienne, Bardet Nathalie, Raissossadat Naser & Vincent Peggy, août 2021The Albian-Cenomanian Transition in a Shelf-Basin Transect: Biostratigraphy, Sedimentology and Paleontology of Jebel Mghila, Central Tunisia. vol. 124, , dir. {Elsevier} p. 104809
  • Martin Jérémy, Suan Guillaume, Suchéras-Marx Baptiste, Rulleau Louis, Schlögl Jan, Janneau Kevin, Williams Matt, Léna Alex, Grosjean Anne-Sabine, Sarroca Estel, Perrier Vincent, Fernandez Vincent, Charruault Anne-lise, Maxwell Erin E & Vincent Peggy, mai 2021Stenopterygiids from the Lower Toarcian of Beaujolais and a Chemostratigraphic Context for Ichthyosaur Preservation during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event Running Header: Toarcian Ichthyosaurs and the T-OAE. , , dir. {Geological Society of London}
  • Bomou Brahimsamba, Suan Guillaume, Schlögl Jan, Grosjean Anne-Sabine, Suchéras-Marx Baptiste, Adatte Thierry, Spangenberg Jorge, Fouché Stéphane, Zacaï Axelle, Gibert Corentin, Brazier Jean-Michel, Perrier Vincent, JANNEAU KÉVIN, Martin Jeremy & Vincent Peggy, 2021The Palaeoenvironmental Context of Toarcian Vertebrate-Yielding Shales of Southern France (Hérault). vol. 514, , dir. {Geological Society of London} SP514-2021-16
  • Prôa Miguel, Pouit Daniel, Rouillard Thomas, Vincent Peggy & Mellier Benoît, 2021Hidden Treasures Uncovered: Successful Detection of Fossils below the Surface in Large Limestone Blocks Using a Standard Medical X-ray CT Scanner. vol. 77, n° 1, dir. {Národní muzeum} p. 36-42
  • Vincent Peggy, Grosjean Anne-Sabine, Bert Didier, Ferreira Jorge, Suchéras-Marx Baptiste, Suan Guillaume C, Guinot Guillaume, Perrier Vincent, JANNEAU KÉVIN, Brazier Jean-Michel, Sarroca Estel, Guiomar Myette & Martin Jérémy E., avril 2020Paleoenvironmental Context and Significance of a Partial Elasmosaurid Skeleton from the Albian of Haute-Provence, France. Cretaceous Research vol. 108, , dir. {Elsevier} p. 104293